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Gross domestic product
What does GDP stand for?
a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
What is a menargerie?
At the back of the shop
In a shop where should the essential products be placed?
What is the name of the enclosure a Chameleon is housed in?
birds that have beaks that are not suitably adapted to breaking open hard seeds and grains.
What is a softbill bird?
Who is the person responsible for managing and organising the staff in a business?
Modifications to an animals environment that increase their mental stimulation and welfare.
What is environmental enrichment?
The price marking order 2004.
Which piece of legislation makes it compulsory for products to be marked with the price?
What is the term used for the reproductive strategy of egg laying?
What could a orange comb and wattle be a sign of in a chicken?
Primary, Secondary, tertiary.
What are the 3 terms used to describe the three stages of production of a product?
Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species.
What does CITIES stand for?
Groups and merchandise are grouped in a free flowing pattern on the shop floor.
What is a free flow shop layout?
Species, natural habitat, behavioural pattern
Name a factor that would influence the level of UV provided?
Dusting chickens and enclosure with mite powder, keeping accommodation clean and hygienic.
How can you treat mites in chickens?
A business appraiser specializes in evaluating tangible and intangible property to determine what a business is worth.
What does a business appraiser do?
In situ refers to conserving an animal in its natural habitat whereas ex situ refers to the relocation of an endangered species into a habitat that isn't their own.
What is the difference between ex situ and in situ conservation?
5 minutes
30 per cent of interviewers make a visual judgment of an applicant within how many minutes?
Salmonella, Septicaemia, dermatitis, stomatitis, pneumonia
Name one reptile disease caused by a bacterium?
Psittacosis, salmonella etc.
Name a bacterial disease that birds are susceptible to?
age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
What are the 9 protected characteristics in the equality act?
What does SPIDER stand for when designing enrichment?
Promotions, Price and Placement
What are the 3 P's?
Phosphorus binds to calcium molecules and means the body cannot use it.
Why are foods high in phosphorus bad for reptiles?
What is the scientific term for bumblefoot?