Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Solomon's Kingdom | Chapter 8 |
King Hiram of Tyre
Who supplied King Solomon with cedar, juniper and "as much gold as he desired?"
She heard about Solomon's wisdom and wanted to "test him."
(Perhaps to learn something about Jehovah w99 07/01)
Why did the queen of Sheba go to Jerusalem?
How many Lions did King Solomon have on his temple steps?
B/c Solomon prayed from the heart with a humble spirit.
Why did Jehovah take pleasure in Solomon's prayer?
How many times a year did Solomon offer burnt sacrifices to Jehovah?
She praised Jehovah for giving Solomon the Wisdom
True or False
The queen of Sheba praised Solomon for his wisdom |
What material was considered worthless in the days of King Solomon?
Only the two stone tablets.
True or False:
There was still manna in the ark. If false, what was in it? |
The Israelites. B/c "they were his warriors, servants, princes, chiefs and horsemen."
Who didn't King Solomon use as slaves and why?
Any answer is correct.
What did you most enjoy about Solomon's Kingdom or his wisdom?
From where did King Solomon import his horses?
How did the people feel towards Solomon and Jehovah after his prayer.
The Land of Cabul; b/c it was good for nothing.
What did King Hiram call the cities that Solomon gave him and why?
Balsam Oil
What did the queen of Sheba give to Solomon in great quantity.
(Hint: There was never this amount brought to Israel ever again) |
Gold, ivory, silver, peacocks and apes
Once every three years, there was a ship that came loaded with gifts to king Solomon. Besides gold name another gift.
We should focus more on hw we sound to Jehovah than how we sound to people.
For those who pray publicly, what lesson does Solomon's prayer teach?