Capitals | Who wrote the song | 9-11 | World Borders | Presidents |
What is Nauru
What Country has no capital
Who are Imagine Dragons
Who Wrote Believer
What is 2996
How many people were killed
What is Brazil
The Longest border France has is with who
Who is James Buchanan
Who was the only single president
What is Bern
What is the capital of Switzerland
Who is Francis Scott Key
Who Wrote The Star Spangled Banner
Where is California
The plane that crashed in Shanksville took off from NJ to where
What is Jammu and Kashmir
The most disputed border is where
Who is Harrison Ruffin Tyler (Grandson)
Who is the closest ancestor to John Tyler that's still alive
What is Montpelier
What is the least populated capital in the USA
Who is Leonard Cohen
Who Wrote Hallelujah
What is May 2nd, 2011
The Leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, was killed on what day
What is The US Canadian border
Where is the longest international border
What is 31st
Herbert Hoover was president number what
What is Belgrade
What was the capital of Yugoslavia
Who is Charlie Puth
Who Wrote Stay
What are 2 years
How Long did the terrorists take to learn to fly
What is Morocco
The shortest border is the border of Penon de Velez de la Gomera (Spain) and where
What is William
What is Bill Clinton's 1st name
What is 7
How many EPL teams play in London
Who is Lionel Richie
Who Wrote Lady
What is 200
When the first plane crashed, this many people jumped from the top floors and died on impact
What is Angola
Cabinda is in what country
What is Pennsylvania
Where is Joe Biden From